Thursday, August 14, 2008

(Photo credit Paul Worthington)


After lots of trial and error I have finally got my GTD system into some sort of stable framework. I am an Outlook (2007) user and have the Netcentrics Add-In which is excellent, so use that for all N/A's and categorising both tasks and e-mails. Kelly Forrister (see my Blog links) has produced an excellent White Paper on how to set-up Outlook without the addition of an add-in. It can be purchased from the David Allen Company


I use a Moleskine for work notes and one for personal notes. In both my office and my study at home I have In-trays and reading trays along with a Tickler File. I must say originally I was a bit unsure of these, but they are great for filing papers that you will need in the future. While for many years I made do with tickler sets that I had made myself - I can highly recommend the ones that the David Allen Company now sells, in fact use the above link and see all the cool gear that they are now selling - along with the tickler I particularly like the files, zipped folders and file rack. On first glance they may seem a bit expensive - but are superb quality.

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