I got a iTouch last Christmas and was really delighted with it, that was until I started up-dating the software to the new releases! It started with the 2.0 update (which I had to pay for!) - it froze the iTouch, after more than an hour on the phone to Apple the problem was solved. It was then with some trepidation that I recently up-dated my iTunes to version 8 and then the iTouch to version 2.1. Again the software update to the iTouch froze and locked it! On the phone once again to Apple - but they could not help. They gave me a number to go to the store and get the iTouch replaced. They originally told me that I would need to make an appointment, but that the earliest was two days away and not convenient. After a lot of badgering from me (after all the problem only arose when I updated to the new software!), they said I should go to the store and they might change the iTouch , as the error I had was an acknowledged problem. I went to the store and they were extremely helpful (more so than the telephone support) and gave me a new machine. However as soon as I tried to sync that - more problems started, back on the phone to Apple, who after a lot of re-setting declared that the new iTouch would need to be replaced! I got the necessary reference from them, but persevered myself and have actually got it working, although maybe the next time I come to update the software I will have issues? Can't wait. i think I'll stick with this machine for the present.
My conclusion from this is that I suspect due to demand and economic factors Apple are getting a higher percentage of sub-standard hardware and this I can can be borne out by the comments I have seen elsewhere with regard to the iPhone. Despite the hassle and because of the really excellent service at the shop I am not too disgruntled - just angst ridden about the next up-date. On the positive side sue to the up-date I have at last managed to connect the iTouch to wireless networks and the software is an improvement, although for some reason some of the album art seems to have attached itself to the wrong albums, but is suspect that's called progress and will be fixed on the next up-date!
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